Category: Finding Your Voice

25 Things I Stopped Doing This Year (Because, Money, Sex and Sanity, Ya’ll)

Responding to non-essential text messages during work hours. I love my friends, but let’s be honest: this is the digital equivalent of twenty people popping in to your house unannounced all. day. long. We don’t need another productivity hack: we need to turn off the damn phone. It’s physically, mentally and emotionally impossible to get anything done when you’re constantly being distracted—even if it is fun. But that’s precisely the problem: socializing 24/7 has been normalized. If someone asked you

To The People Who Keep Asking Me When I’m Having a Baby

“When are you having a baby?” “You’d be a great mom.” “You’ll regret it later if you don’t.” “You HAVE to have kids!” …and I used to think people were pushy about making me try seafood. Though the decision not to have children actually reminds me of that: people are really convinced you’re making a mistake. YOU’LL REALLY LOVE LOBSTER IF YOU TRY IT THIS WAY, they say, boring into my soul with their crazy eyes. From what I can

There’s No Such Thing As An Idea That *Isn’t* Offensive

You know what I’m grateful for? Fucking. NOT LIKE THAT, SICKO. Although, I mean, I guess…wait. Let me start again. I like the word fucking because it’s representative of something so much bigger than that, which is the real thing I’m grateful for: freedom of expression. Remember that cute little First Amendment? It says that the government can’t forbid us from saying and writing what we like and we can actually EXPRESS OUR OWN IDEAS. Novel, right? Which is why

Sometimes, Being Difficult Is an Act of Devotion

Nobody wants to “be difficult.” Those words have stigma tattooed right across their rear. Just hearing them makes you think of that psycho in line at the grocery store, berating the cashier for not accepting her expired coupon. (She’s also wearing Uggs, for the record, and DEFINITELY has a soggy cigarette hanging out of her mouth.) But the older I get, the more I am convinced that there is superficial difficult, like that—difficult for the sake of being difficult—but also

We’re Quick to Throw Away Our Gut Instincts in Favor of Someone Else’s Advice

It’s easy to defer to the experts to tell you what to do. There are parts of us that are always seeking that validation, that security, that assurance that what we are doing is “right.” It’s why you hire the business coach, follow the advice of the lawyer, and let the person with the title call the shots. But the person with the title can only take you so far. Knowledge and experience aside, there’s always an inherent limitation that

Scared You’ll ___________? Here’s a Clever Little Mental Tip for Becoming UNF*CKWITHABLE.

HI, IT’S FRIDAY, and I’m sure you’re probably about to do all sorts of things I absolutely approve of. *slow clap* To assist you in your ventures—which may or may not include spending the next 48 hours sitting your ass down at your laptop, hustling to grow your business / working on that project / making something from nothing / trying to remember to apply a second coat of deodorant—I thought I would share a little piece of advice one

The World’s Funniest Fucking Soaps, Uh, Ever

You should know that I have officially discovered THE BEST THING THAT’S EVER BEEN MADE (after Cards Against Humanity, of course) and I had to share with you because I don’t keep anything from you (except for that one thing) and because we could all use some inspiration and also because CAN WE JUST LIGHTEN UP ABOUT BUSINESS AND HAVE SOME FUN WITH IT, ALREADY? These soaps are all made by The Whiskey River Soap Company, and if you don’t

The Competition Doesn’t Have Sh*t On You

There’s never been a person who went to school for accounting and said: BUT WAIT, I CAN’T BECOME AN ACCOUNTANT BECAUSE OTHER PEOPLE ARE ALREADY DOINGGGGG THATTTTTTTTTTT. There are plenty of people out there doing exactly what you want to do—times eleventy thousand. “But there are already so many writers / designers / candlestick makers” is not a valid reason not to do something. In fact, it may be the best reason to get out there and see how you

A Note of Support for All My Dreamers Getting Their Ideas Pooh-Poohed By Their Family, Their Friends, Their Spouses, and Their Neighbors (Fucking Neighbors, Am I Right?)

In the year 2010, friends would call and say: “So, how’s your blooooooooggggggg?” The tone was obvious: How’s your cute little imaginary friend that you think is going to save you from the real world that the rest of us have to suffer through? The year 2011, I made $103,000 with that blog—a far cry from the $26 I started with, as I twisted and turned in the backseat of my car in the middle of a night in a

Straight Up: Every Single Asshole Fear You’ve Got Going On In Your Head Comes From Not Knowing

Straight up: every single asshole fear you’ve got going on in your head comes from not knowing. It stands to reason, then, that the best way to get over the fear? Is to study. Study email marketing, if you’re overwhelmed by it. Study writing, if you’re intimidated. Study sales, if you don’t know how to sell. Study people, if you don’t know how to interact. We love to think that the things we’re afraid of are actually scary, because it