Category: Online Marketing

Call Your Fucking Tribe. (Quickie Friday Piece of Ass)

For my WRITERS–at heart, by trade, or in their wildest, rowdiest, wettest dreams. Because it’s Friday. And this short video will be the most important thing you do all day. (You can’t fool me – I know nobody’s really working.) This is why I do what I do as a copywriter. This is why the words on your website are so important. And this is why words are the finest gift–and tool–we could ever hope for. To inspire. To be

Sexy Matters. Whether You Like It Or Not.

Sexy matters. We hate to think that’s true. We look at the girl strutting down the sidewalk, who’s obviously “trying too hard,” and we silently disapprove. But it’s not because she’s trying too hard. It’s because she makes us feel inferior. To soothe our egos, we immediately start telling ourselves the story that we’re “better,” so to speak, because we don’t need all that make-up to feel pretty, or at least we’ll get taken more seriously, and men prefer natural,

How to Get People to Pay You More With Just ONE WORD.

His name was Joe. Rightfully so, because Joe was in charge of customer service at the Honda Dealer in good ol’ Scranton, Pennsylvania. And, I don’t know, I just trust men named Joe. I mean, you don’t want some jerkoff named Tucker invoicing you, do you? You’d leave and there’d be a doodle of a marijuana leaf next to your total. Tucker. Grab a pitchfork and get to work, boy. This is Scranton! We work hard ’round these parts! Anyway.

Why “Business As Usual” Is Usually Killing Your Business

Fun is underrated. It’s no longer enough to do a good job, provide good customer service or deliver on time. Those things aren’t competitive advantages; they’re the expectation. And since they’re the expectation, you’re not impressing anyone. What isn’t always the expectation, however, is how fun it’ll be to do business with you. Not just pleasant. Fun. The noisier it gets out there, the less we should have faith in “business as usual”–because sometimes, business as usual is just that:

Let The Serious Folks Go Seriously Broke.

  I can’t do serious. I’m not sure if you could tell from the name of this blog, or from anything I’ve ever written, said, tweeted and/or mimed while naked, but it’s true. (There was actually no naked miming. I do a lot of stuff naked, but really, who the hell mimes these days?) I’m pretty sure this stems from a long-standing vendetta against elementary school library class. Hey, I have a good idea. Let’s put a bunch of 8

Alert Your Accountant: This Post Is About To Make You More Money.

I used to think there were only two types of people: Those who would get busy in a church parking lot, and those who wouldn’t. Forget politics–this is the stuff that really divides. And of course, if we’re following the script, the next sentence you’re expecting to come charging out of my fingers should go something along the lines of: “But now, I’ve had this profound, striking, life-affirming realization that has altered the way I think about EVERYTHING, now and

What To Do When Nobody Cares About You. (Tip: Do Not Punch The Mailman.)

Last week, I predicted that while I was in Buenos Aires, I’d either fall hopelessly in love with an Argentine, or get totally pissed off because I didn’t. So far, the latter has been true. But don’t worry, I’m not slinging sauerkraut yet. There might have also been a suspiciously large sausage sandwich involved. [Insert token off-color joke here.] As well as the purchase of possibly the world’s sexiest vintage purse ever. It’s got red lipstick stains on the inside

How to Get Your Message HEARD

So, I’m flying from Costa Rica to Ecuador this afternoon. I like to leave these little announcements on the blog in the event of my sudden (and unreported) death, kidnapping, violent torture and just to give my ex-boyfriends a little extra something to be bitter about. If I never post again, will someone at least throw a birthday party in my honor? It’s on the 24th. Just stay away from serving smoked salmon on those evil little crunchy tostadas. Those

The Dirtiest Piece of Advice I Have For You (On Biz, Copywriting + Living Out LOUD)

Well holy shit. It’s Thursday. An interview I did the other day with Bern from Your Great Life TV went live today, and I wanted to pass it along because I give some fast and dirty straight shooter (pow pow!) advice on running an online biz, copywriting like a motherfucker, and living a life you love, already. (While wearing fake pearls. And after having a dirty martini with pineapple man. Shhhhhhh.) I’d love it if you’d take a look, because

Houston, We Have a Problem: Nobody Cares About You.

So here’s some Tuesday tough love (which is not even a category, but I’m making it one today): You know why you’re not making the money you want to be making? Getting the clients you want to be getting? And/or living the life you want to be living? Do you know why? The reason is simple. Nobody cares. That’s it. It’s simple. Nobody cares. Nobody cares what you’re doing. And nobody cares about you. Period. That’s harsh, so let me