I wonder about people.
Specifically about the 50-something woman speaking softly at the table next to me, telling another woman how she desperately wants to go abroad—because, verbatim, it would be the opportunity of a lifetime—but…
And her words trail off.
Kidding. Dramatic doesn't look good on me.
But, really. What are all these buts holding everyone hostage?
I want to start a business but…
I know I need to end the relationship but…
I know I should work less but…
I know should exercise more but…
I know I want to go abroad but…
I know I should invest in a pair of those ridiculous chicken breast boob cutlets but…
Everyone has their buts.
But what happens when those buts stops becoming the exception—and start becoming the rule?
What happens when your buts don't just prevent you from taking the opportunity of a lifetime—but become your life?
In some cases, your buts might be legitimate ones.
Kids at home. A sick parent. Physical disabilities. Crippling depression. Unrelenting diarrhea. (Gross, you guys.)
But what about the more common buts—the ones that most of us use when they convenience us most?
I don't know how. It's too much work. I'm not really sure. I'm being lazy. It's scary. I'd have to wake up earlier. I might not be good at it. It might not work out. I don't want to risk wasting my time. I'd have to save money. It's HARD.
Are we really passing up life because IT'S A LITTLE MORE FUCKING HARD THAN LYING AROUND ALL DAY?
Every single moment IS the opportunity of a lifetime.
If you think the stakes are high now, please. If you're worried about it being hard, about it being complicated, about it being time-consuming, about it being scary, about it being risky—those aren't the stakes.
The stakes are your life, and every day you put off living it…
….is another day you die young.