Follow your

Hate your nine-to-five? Wish you could make money with your passions? Looking to try something new before you stroke out from hearing Kathy from HR give one more powerpoint presentation? THIS IS THE BOOK FOR YOU. May cause extreme confidence, ambition, and the desire for freedom. Common side effects include highlighter fatigue, excessive chuckling, and neck cramps if held wrong. Content not suitable for defeatists, naysayers, or the Swedish (because how much better could your life possibly get?).
“If you’re looking for good Christian advice. Move. On.” “This is the book of the decade.” “This is the best Audible book I’ve ever listened to.” “Ridiculously entertaining.” “The unwholesome advice you wish your grandma gave you!” “One of the best books I’ve read in this space ever (and I’ve read a lot of them).” “100% bullshit free.” “A book for women who hate their 9-5…” “Not your typical self-help book.” “A must-read for women who don’t want to follow the status quo.”
This book is the
antidote for…
- Wanting a more meaningful job—and work you actually love—but lacking the confidence and the knowledge on how to make it happen
- Dealing with dream zappers who tell you that you should "be grateful" and to "suck it up" (even while your soul is rotting to death)
- Feeling like a flighty, erratic featherbrain who keeps jumping from thing to thing, never content ("There she goes again—it's just another one of her big ideas.")
- Worrying you don't have enough experience, that no one will want to hire you or listen to you, that you aren't qualified, and that you'll make a fool out of yourself
- Feeling stuck, directionless, knowing you want more but having no idea where to go or how to begin or even if you should

*puffs on cigar*
Now there’s a fun-filled topic. If we were really ambitious, we’d just dive right into the most controversial subject imaginable, given that this book contains all sorts of controversial ideas and it doesn’t get any more polite from here. (Now might be a good time to fetch the vodka…and maybe a defibrillator.)
Don’t worry, this isn’t a book about God, nor is it a book about Ryan Gosling—second in command. But it is a book about authority and becoming your own. It’s not always easy to “follow your dreams”—and ride off on a magical flying carpet made of SweetTarts and sugar plum fairies. It’s not easy to trust yourself radically, or make bold choices that other people will not agree with, or “live life on your own terms.” It’s not easy to roll up and be all, “yayyyyyyy, I’m going to quit my job and be an artist!” or “yayyyyyy, I’m going to open my own bookshop!” or “yayyyyyy, I’m going to skip around the Swiss Alps and make cheese in a loincloth and yodel in the afternoons and tell my overbearing sister to shove it!” Even in an age when all of these options are more available to us than ever, most of us are really just drifting along every day, trying not to get cancer. But even when we do dare break the mold and try something new, the world throws some serious side eye.
Who does she think she is?
It won’t last.
This is just another one of her “big ideas.”
Hell yes! Definitely want this.
Available worldwide & at all major retailers