Category: Motivation

Why Rule Breakers Run the World

I’ll admit it–I’m a tad embarrassed. I can’t decide if I’m embarrassed in light of the nonchalant display of nudity that is currently lounging alongside of me–quite proudly, and with reason, if I do say so myself–on this clothing optional beach, or if I’m embarrassed for another reason–perhaps at my own relative prudishness, something that seems to stand in stark contrast with my normally quite liberal, open-minded ideals. Either way, it’s causing me a bit of uninvited self-doubt. My inability

Life Isn’t As Serious As We Make It Out To Be

This Isn’t Actually a Love Story But in a strange sort of way, love has been one of my greatest teachers of life. It has taught me patience. It has taught me compromise. It has taught me dedication. It has taught me intimacy. Not to mention the importance of a snappy comeback. But perhaps most of all, love has taught me something that no other teacher could quite as eloquently: Love has taught me impermanence. We go through life entering

The Surefire Way to Save Yourself from Mediocrity (That You Already Know, But Don’t Do)

Q: Who’s Your Daddy? A: Novelty In the last year, two of the countries I’ve lived in are Chile & Costa Rica. In both places, I did a number of things, kissed met a number of people, and learned a number of lessons. Many people advocate the value of travel–that’s nothing new–but what they’re really advocating is the value of experiences. Experiences yield so much more than an adrenaline rush; they exercise our souls, rejuvenate our minds, refine our perspectives,

Why We’re All A Little Crazy: Uncertainty, Flower Petals, Shimmery Gold Dresses & A Personal Story

I was 20 years old when I started watching her slip away. Normally during the summertime, she would spend all morning and a large portion of the afternoon out in our garden, diligently tending to every last petal, stem and root. Her forehead would glisten with beads of sweat, but it never seemed to bother her; she seemed almost proud of it. “Look, Ash!” she would yell from her knees, “Did ya see the size of this one?!” after which

The Lost Art of Quitting

“Quitters never win & winners never quit.” Excuse me, divine gods of all Protestant work-ethic-inspired proverbs, *takes drag of imaginary cigarette* but I beg to differ. *Apathetically exhales and flings cigarette to ground before grinding it with the ball of not-so-imaginary fire engine red high heel.* We’ve heard these types of statements all our lives: Stick with it, keep your eye on the ball, never give up and if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Essentially, there’s one

Get Your Own Picket Fence (Or Don’t) : A Note on Relationships

My friend & fellow blogger Carlos Miceli of Owl Sparks once told me that he was relieved that I never waxed on about relationships here on the site, which I had sort of made an unspoken rule. But what can I say? I’m a rule breaker, baby. Even when they’re my own. And with that, I’m busting out the L-word. Love. There, I said it. Being the idealist that I am, you might imagine that I’d be the type to

2 Minute Guide to Reclaiming Your Life

If you clicked on this post, you either: a) Need to get a grip. b) Want to reclaim your life. c) Have no time to do either. d) Googled “mating habits of porcupines” and this just came up. e) You read everything I write because you’re secretly plotting my demise. With the exception of letter E, I completely understand. However, if you are plotting my demise, can you just promise it won’t include cinder blocks and large bodies of water?

Shattering the Current Model of Reality

Most of you reading this website are here because you want more. Tried and true may be comfortable, but boring. The traditional life path may be safe, but uninspiring. The status quo is average, but nothing extraordinary. You know there’s something missing, but you can’t pinpoint what, exactly, it is. We’ve essentially been told for years that hard work pays off. You’ve gone and done everything the way you’ve been told you were supposed to do it. We’ve been under

Top 25 Signs You Need to Make a Change, Gain Self-Respect and/or Say No To Busch Light

Dear Anheuser-Busch, I’m sorry for throwing you under the bus after all of the good times we shared over the years. Even though we must part ways, we’ll always have Freshman year. Dear Reader, If you’ve been hanging out here for a while, you know that topics can tend to get a little heavy. And while big ideas are cool, over-seriousness is against my very being, and, well, sort of makes me want to vomit. So for that reason, I’ve

Why Circles Are Better Than Lines

A discussion on how erasing the lines that divide us can be beneficial in more ways than we imagine–complete with 18 examples to get you started.