Are You Money Poor, Time Poor, Or Worse—Both?

There’s money poor, and there’s time poor.

In order to be rich in one, most people give up the other.

These two things are seemingly in constant battle with each other, pulling, tugging, yanking for custody. In order to have more money, you must give up the time to get it. In order to have more time, you must give up the money.

But is this really true?

Actually, this is an outdated model of the way we view our relationship to work. Time and money have always been thrown together on the same continuum, assuming an inverse relationship.

But what if you could have both?

Allow me to introduce you to this badass thing called The Internet. This is what we talk about when we talk about scale. Is there a portion of your business that will allow you bring in an extra 100 customers over night without it costing you all of your time?

Most people can’t say yes to that question.

But most people should be able to.

There are tools, these days, for getting exactly what you want. The Internet is not new, but it’s worth considering whether or not the way you use it should be.



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