On Branding Your Work With Balls (Featuring THE BEST QUESTION EVER)

What are you the poster child for?

Now this is a great fucking question. I like it because it cuts straight to the meat—none of this “if you were a flying pony, what color would your saddle be?” nonsense. If you’re trying to brand yourself—or, hey, even figure out the theme of your work, your book, your message or your online dating profile—this is a question that can net you some real answers.

What are you the poster child for?

My answer is simple: women who disobey. Not copywriting. Not online business. Not creativity, or kittens, or boobs. While all of those things do fall within my wheelhouse—except for kittens, fuck them*—none of them are a big idea. They’re pieces of what you do, but what about who you are? What do you represent? And what do you want your creation to represent?

Too often, brilliant work gets trivialized.

Too often, we drown in our own details, unable to see that we’re all poster children for something—whether we’ve chosen our own image or not.


*I actually really want a kitten, I lied.

**If you aren’t a poster child for anything, work on your passions instead of your business.



Unpopular Ideas for Living a Happier Life.

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