Your Opinion About Yourself Doesn’t Matter

Real talk: I think you’re a liar.

A very, very convenient liar.

I can call you that because we’re all in the same club.

Because the thing is, when you’re out there doing creative work, and new work, and work that has no manager, no support team, no pat on the back, there are days when you will wake up and be convinced that you’re a total fuck up; that you’re not any good; that you’re in over your head; that you should stick to what’s proven. That you shouldn’t kid yourself; you shouldn’t be trying to do things you aren’t any good at; you should have known better.

But here’s the good news:

No one is less qualified to make those calls than you are.

You’re clearly biased. And you’re biased against yourself. Because building a business, or launching a project, or bringing your creative work into the world is an incredibly emotional endeavor. It’s something you made with your own two hands. Of course you aren't objective.

And that’s why you’re a liar—your vision is skewed.

It’s critical that you examine the evidence about what you’re really capable of—and not get sidelined by mere opinions of yourself. Your opinions don’t matter here. Only the facts.

And the only place to find those? Is in the public record of your past.

The last time you tried something new, you were actually great.
The last time you took the plunge, you were so glad you did.
The last time you put something together, it was a hit.
The last time you went for it, you were rewarded.
The last time you trusted yourself, you were right.
The last time you asked for the money, it worked out.
The last time you were terrified, it didn’t end up being that bad.
The last time you pulled the trigger, it worked.

Seek the evidence that stands in support of your soul.

…Not opinions that have no basis in fact.

Because it’s the fictitious stories you tell yourself about your abilities that kill your odds—

Not your ability itself.



Unpopular Ideas for Living a Happier Life.

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