When somebody doesn't buy from you, which are you thinking?
“Man, I'm a loser”
“Man, they're a loser.”
Getting cocksure is the very first order of business.
And if you don't feel sure of yourself, you know what you need? Not more clients.
You need to sit your ass down, read 100 books, grovel for the chance to prove yourself, weasel your way into opportunities with people who ARE good, yank yourself kicking and screaming out of your fucking comfort zone, experiment, keep promises to yourself, pick ONE THING and become a leading expert in it, talk about it, write about it, think about it, dream about it, bore the neighbors with it, doodle fucking hearts around it, tell everybody you can about it, believe it, fight for it, fight with it, cry over it, caress it, lose sleep over it, hate it, love it, and represent it so hard until it becomes your one and only truth.
And then the next time someone doesn't want to buy from you, you know what you think?
Ha. Ha.
That's when you know you're good.
And quite serendipitously, that's when the world will, too.