Having FUN Doesn’t Make You an Unprofessional Schmuck

Fun is underrated.

We spend so much of our lives trying to get taken seriously, that fun becomes something we think of as shameful, dirty; something to be minimized in a professional setting. Giggles are juvenile; jokes are adolescent; anything more than a poker face threatens your status as “a respectable professional.”

But that’s only because we mistake seriousness for professionalism.

That grouchy fucking face doesn’t make anyone look legitimate; it makes you look unenthusiastic.

The truth is, you either know your stuff or you don’t, and when you do?

Your personality becomes a bonus—not a liability.

But when you don’t know what you’re doing, on the other hand, you need to lean on very serious-seeming smoke and mirrors to prop yourself up.

As it turns out, seriousness doesn’t help you get taken more seriously.

Skill does.



Unpopular Ideas for Living a Happier Life.

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