“QUIT WAITING ON being told stuff is OK. What are you, six? That said, you had more balls when you were six, didn't you?”
This is the way my smart AF British friend, Matthew Kimberley, opens a chapter in his newly released book, out just YESTERDAY: Get a F*cking Grip.
(As an aside, I hate sentences like that one I just wrote. Everybody's everybody's “friend” on the internet, which usually just means “they tweeted me once and now I'm an affiliate hoping to kiss their arse and build my reputation off of their name.” That is not this. Though I am not above that. That or licking your fingers after hot wings. However, Matthew Kimberley is—to the detriment of society—my real friend, in the real world, which I know is true based purely on the number of times we've almost been locked up together in multiple different countries.)
Which is why I'm going to tell you that if you're like:
- Damn, it's the New Year, I need to get my shit together once and for all, or;
- I really wish I had a life coach that wasn't called a life coach because I can't stand that term ~gag~, or;
- You want no-fluff, “here's what you need to do to be better right now” advice from one of the world's premier sales + business trainers, or;
- (And this is my favorite) You really want a dapper British man to whisper sexy words of wisdom to you in the car on your way to work;
…then, for the love of all things potato (my spirit vegetable), go grab the audiobook of Get a F*cking Grip right this very minute.
I don't usually recommend audiobooks. I love me some PAGES. In fact, I'd much rather you read my own book before turning to the audiobook version (out in February!). But in this case, I'm going to strongly, strongly recommend buying Matthew's audiobook over the print book because his entire personality is just SUCH an experience in and of itself. Him in person is just this breath of fresh, smart, ass-kicking air that makes you sort of fall in love with him and his advice and his voice AND life itself, all in one big, fell swoop, while laughing hysterically and admiring his wit and charm and being like “god damn, I want to be clever like that”—all while instantly feeling approximately 100 times more capable and cool by association, sort of like you're being mentored by Hugh Grant, Jude Law and Benedict Cumberbatch all at once. (We should probably throw in Anthony Hopkins, too, considering that dude always shows up everywhere.)
I've just ordered both the audiobook and the print book, and you can bet your ugly Christmas sweater that I'll be here around the house listening to Matthew's no-nonsense approach to living as I attempt to cook a stew this evening (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) while refusing to put on anything besides cozy Target pajamas and this ridiculous oversized sweatshirt that C got me that sort of doubles as a blanket and/or tent and would have been a very useful accessory on the Underground Railroad—and will probably be the thing I live in for the duration of winter and/or the rest of my life.
Then again, I probably need to get a fucking grip.
And therein lies the appeal: don't we all?