Well hello there! A few fun tidbits on this fabulous Tuesday:
- Today I'm in studio recording DAY TWO of THE MIDDLE FINGER PROJECT audiobook for Audible—and my god, is this a blast! I'm documenting it all on my Insta-stories, in case you want to come behind the scenes with me. ? There's candy and drinks and take out and all sorts of hyper cool people walking around, wearing beanies and looking like they've just stepped off the cover of a hit album. WHAT TO WEAR TODAY TO LOOK LIKE AN ARTSY LITTLE FUCKER? These are the questions of life.
- No, but for real. If I ever switch careers, I'm becoming a narrator. Mostly for the candy.
- #HOTSALESTIP: The other day I called this window company to come out and give me a quote on new windows for the Philly apartment I bought. They were like, “Okay, we have slots available tomorrow at X, Y and Z hours.” And I was like, “Oh, actually next week would probably work better for me.” And they were like, “If you book a time tomorrow or the day after, we'll take $100 off your bill.” And I was like, “SOLD.” And isn't that just great? Wanted to pass this a long to you as a tactic you can use to get prospective clients to commit to your ______________________ [insert whatever thing you want them to book]. It didn't feel salesy; it felt like they knew exactly what they were doing and they were in control of their process and I'll eat that up any day of the week. Clients LOVE being led by the hand and told what to do. So try offering an incentive for booking with you within 48 hours of your sales call, your email inquiry, or whatever. ?
- If you're in the United States, don't forget to sign up with Bench to have your 2019 books done! You can get 20% off your first six months by being a TMF reader—that'll link'll take you straight to it. And hell yes, I get a referral fee for signing your ass up.
- THANK YOU to everyone who's been writing in, offering to have me on your podcast or connect me with folks who might want to feature The Middle Finger Project book for our February 11th launch. You are so generous and kind and helpful! Keep it comin, baby! We're going to have a ball.
- We've got an all-new hilarious shop coming out early next year that's just going to contain helpful, funny guides for quitting your job + entering the online business world—and I can't wait to show you. I'm calling it “The Quit Your Job Store,” and the idea is that, not only will we be able to produce some really kick-ass guides, we'll be able to market the store independently of TMF, thereby getting around some of the constraints that come with having a name like “The Middle Finger Project”—while also allowing us to promote The Middle Finger Project book as one of the top resources in the shop. So just food for thought: you can create sub-brands for different verticals of your market and use it to promote your work. And hint? This may even function as real-world, city-by-city pop-up. ?
Alright, I'm off to the studio! Wish me a day of reading seamlessly without stumbling over my words and/or making Jeff the audio engineer angsty.
Talk later this week! Happy holiday shoppppppppinnnngggggg.
Love and gin-filled chocolate Christmas trees,