Would you rather get a $5 discount or receive a $5 surcharge?
It’s the same change in price, just framed differently—and yet, I bet even the word “surcharge” just had you up in arms. LISTEN HERE, AT&T!!!!!!!!!!!
That’s because humans are reeeeepulsed by the idea of losing something we already have. It makes us hangry. Emotional. Angsty.
This is why there are so many free trials of all the things. Not because they’re giving you something out of the goodness of their heart (HAHAHAHAHA people are good?), but because those companies are betting on the fact that you will fall in love with them, use the software, and take ownership over the product and then—uh oh—thirty days later, they threaten to take it away.
You don’t want to lose what you already had.
But you wouldn’t care so much, if you never had it in the first place.
This isn’t bad—it’s just human nature.
But what do you think this means for that offer you’re making?
For that bonus you’re adding?
For that proposal you’re sending?
Give, give, give all you want—
—but you better damn well remember to take it away.