The other day, folks from around the world met me on Twitter, like thieves in the night, and shared the answer to one simple question:
What’s your #middlefingerproject?
You can read through the stream here, but I wanted to share a few here, today, because this is the point of everything. You. Me. Here. Supporting one another and figuring out how the hell to create these lives worth living, these projects worth pursuing, and these businesses worth running.
Do not move on without reading these responses—and stopping, for just a moment, to consider your own. What’s your middle finger project? What’s your red hot sweaty obsession?
Every single day you’re granted on this earth is another arrow for your bow. You can either arrive to the pearly gates with a bagful of unused ammunition—or you can show up in a bandana and say “knock knock, motherfucker.”
A life without a target makes you the prey.