Most hotels are still operating under the assumption that we want the personal touch. That assumption informs everything else they do. But what if anyone dared to assume something else: Anonymity can be peaceful. Ease is a gift. Not having to have a forced dialogue with every member of the hotel staff, every five minutes, can be its own form of sanctuary.
And what if they created a business model around that?
And what if they set out to really own it?
Most businesses don’t have the guts. They’re terrified to go too far in either direction; panic-stricken at the idea of rocking the boat. What they fail to recognize, however, is that when you’re an entrepreneur, rocking the boat is the job.
It has a nickname, even.
It’s called “innovation.”
And no matter how scared you are, “new ideas” should never be a dirty word. It should be your credo.