You Have to Be Willing to Endorse the Fuck Out of Yourself

I know you don’t want to sound like a braggart, and I know you want to be one of those humble people, and I know you want to be so magical that the world sits up and takes notice without you even having to think about the words “self-promotion,” but the truth is that it isn’t about any of that—it’s about enthusiasm.

We want to work with those who are verifiably excited to be doing what they’re doing, and when someone’s excited, you know what happens next?

They talk about it.

This is why Insta-stories are awesome. This is why social media has taken such a strong hold. This is why blogging originally rose to power.

Because it allows us to share our enthusiasm in a way that feels natural, not calculated.

It’s not that self-promotion is bad; it’s that the way it was done in the past was. But now’s a new time, and a new opportunity. And as it turns out, genuine excitement can be just as contagious as the most expensive of campaigns—as long as you're willing to share it.



Unpopular Ideas for Living a Happier Life.

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