Like: Cobblestone
Dislike: Heels + hot coffee + cobblestone (oops)
Like: Free wifi in every plaza
Dislike: Thinking I should work in cafes in every plaza, and then getting hopelessly distracted by shirtless soccer players on TV (oops again)
Like: The equator
Dislike: Forgetting the bottle of wine to drink ON THE EQUATOR
Like: Kissing
Dislike: Kissing Ecuadorian men I, ahem, shouldn't
Like: Safety
Dislike: Car alarms that make me want to hurl myself out a window and onto a piercingly sharp broken beer bottle
Like: Stretching my comfort zone
Dislike: Sleeping in a roomful of strange Argentinian men who turn on the light at 2am
Like: Public transportation
Dislike: Two hour bus rides with sweaty mules. Just kidding. There were no sweaty mules. But for the record, more blogs should make a habit of inappropriately inserting the word “mule” into their posts
Like: Exploring
Dislike: Signs like these–
Like: Taking pictures
Dislike: Chicks named Ashley who pretend to write blog posts that are really just lists bragging about how much fun she's having, continuing on to post an assortment of Instagram photos just because she's so happy she's exploring Ecuador she just can't help herself.
Are you relieved?